Ministry Leadership Certificates

Practicing Theology

Certificate 1

On Mission

Certificate 2

Certificate Information

  • Academic Advancement:
    Earn 8 units towards advanced standing in a Fuller Seminary degree program
  • Bi-monthly Training Sessions
  • Personal Coaching
  • Industry Expert-Led Classes

Practicing theology is about making your faith real—questioning it, challenging it, and integrating it. It’s not always comfortable, but learning to intentionally follow Jesus will transform your daily grind into a reflection of your deepest beliefs.

On Mission will help you uncover your purpose and calling. It offers a modern perspective that will help you turn your beliefs into steps that will shape every facet of your life, from your career to your relationships and personal identity.

Practicing Theology Certificate

Too busy for a full on degree? Start here. Discovering how to integrate your faith into your life is a move you won’t regret.

On Mission Certificate

Need a better understanding on your purpose and calling in life? Dive in with your chuch or an online cohort. 

Free Trial

Practicing Theology 

Dive into a lesson of  with our free trial. You’ll learn the basics of “Practicing Theology” from Dr. Chap Clark. This isn’t just learning—it’s a journey towards living out your faith, every single day.

Practicing Theology: 4 Units

Each unit consists of 8-12 lessons that will challenge your paradigm and help you devleop a robust faith

Course Length 10-20 hours

You’ll spend at least 9 hours in the company of your cohort. Additionally, you have the flexibility to fully engage or access concise summaries for your personal growth.

On Mission

Dive into a lesson of  with our free trial. You’ll learn the basics of “Practicing Theology” from Dr. Chap Clark. This isn’t just learning—it’s a journey towards living out your faith, every single day.

Try one of the “On Mission” lessons with our free trial. This lesson is part of a case study on St. Patrick who revolutionalized western christendom with his unique evangelistic approach

On Mission: 4 Units

Each unit consists of 8-12 lessons that will help you discover your purpose and calling.

Course Length 10-20 hours

You’ll spend at least 9 hours in the company of your cohort. Additionally, you have the flexibility to fully engage or access concise summaries for your personal growth.



On Leading

From “Practicing Theology” Chap talks about leading from identity in Christ rather than from accomplishments.

Spiritual Disciplines

From “Practicing Theology” Chap considers a healthier way to approach spiritual formation.

Galatians 5

From “Practicing Theology” Chap gives an exegetical breakdown of Galatians 5 and how that passage should shape our theology.


From “On Mission” Chap discusses the difference between “Purpose” and “Vocation”

Ralph Winter

From “On Mission” Chap and Ralph discuss persuasion and manipulation from Ralph’s context as a Hollywood Film Producer


From “On Mission” Chap explores the idea of “neighbor” and how the bible invites us to be constantly challenging our preconcieved ideas.


What is the commitment?

The cohort associate program is structured from a practical theology model to provide practical training in various aspects of church ministry, including preaching, teaching, pastoral care, evangelism, and administration. The program typically lasts for 9 months and requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per week from the associate and a mentor from the hosting church. During this time, associates and their mentors will work closely with experienced coaches from IML and local church leaders to gain hands-on experience in their area of interest.

How do I sign up?

You can either sign up as an individual to join a virtual group or your church can register to facilitate its own group. For a local church to host a cohort, it needs to provide:

A mentor from the church staff who will collaborate with the IML staff to oversee the cohort.
Motivated associates who are eager to participate in the cohort program under the guidance of the IML staff.
A fee of $200 per associate

What will this cost?

The cohort model costs $200 per student, which covers the cost of the online servers, training staff, and seminary accreditation.

How does the seminary credit work?

Upon completion of each certificate, participants may submit the final project to the facilitator. The facilitator will turn the project into Fuller Equip, and upon successful evaluation, participants will receive advanced standing units that can be applied toward their seminary degree at Fuller Seminary.

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